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Accessibilitech project launches toolkit on ICT accessibility

Five people are gathered around a laptop, with one of them showing the rest something on the screen. They all have content facial expressions.

ACCESSIBILITECH has launched a toolkit that offers simple guides on how to apply accessibility to different activities and technologies.

The ACCESSIBILITECH project has launched a toolkit that offers a set of simple guidelines on how to apply accessibility to different activities and technologies. The guidelines are available in English and Spanish, and can be easily translated into other European languages.

The toolkit offers information about the needs of users when interacting with technology, common accessibility mistakes, and how to improve accessibility in digital documents, videos, and events, among others.

Additionally, it offers access to other sources available that provide guidelines on European accessibility-related policies and standards, how to build accessible applications and websites, as well as information from companies such as Microsoft about accessibility in their products and services.

The toolkit is addressed to ICT developers and service providers, educators, students, and professionals, as well as other interested parties, in learning more about accessibility and improving digital inclusion for people with disabilities and other groups with similar needs.


ACCESSIBILITECH has been designed to develop a mapping tool and methodology to evaluate accessible technologies at any level of maturity to improve the quality of life and experience of people with disabilities in Telework, e-Learning and Telecare.

The project is being led by Fundación ONCE, with Inserta Innovacion, DIGITALEUROPE and EASPD as partners, and in collaboration with EDF (European Disabiity Forum), SEE (Social Economy Europe) and Philea (European Philanthropy Association).

Visit the project website and see the project’s videos for information.

For any queries, you may contact accessibilitech@gen.fundaciononce.es

ACCESSIBILITECH has received funding from the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).