EU Economic and Social Governance


Following the economic crisis of 2008, the European Union has been very active in the coordination of economic and social policy in Europe. This started with the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) which is a set of rules which limits public debt, regulates the extent to which Member States can spend (in terms of public expenditure) and promotes so-called “sound public finances”. This impacts public investment in services for persons with disabilities.

The European Semester is a framework developed to help Member States coordinate their economic and social policies. Each year the European Commission analyses policies at national level and makes recommendations on key areas for improvement. Whilst this started initially with a focus on fiscal policy, it has increasingly dealt with issues related to social, employment and education related policies.

For EASPD, the European Semester is an opportunity to inform the European Commission about the major issues and barriers for disability services hindering their implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. As such, we regularly produce reports highlighting these barriers in several European countries. EASPD is also active in monitoring the impact of the EU’s fiscal rules.


What EASPD is doing

EASPD is committed to:

  • Work with members to collect up-to-date information on the main policies and barriers which impede the development of quality support services, in line with the UN CRPD and EPSR
  • Partner with the EU and Member States so they are well informed on the main barriers to quality support services
  • Monitor the impact of EU Fiscal Rules on Support Services.


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EASPD's snapshot report provides insight into how the rising cost of living impacts social services in the disability sector.

The 2022 edition of the EASPD Innovation Awards focused on the quality of services and is linked to our October 2022 Malta conference on the...

The report focuses on the outcomes of the EURECO Forum 2022 regarding recent developments linked to quality of services for persons with...

The report focuses on the supported decision-making mechanisms in the EU Member States and beyond, aiming to provide the reader the sufficient...

This study looks into the crucial role of social services in improving work-life balance in Europe. In particular, it covers two issues: assess...

This report highlights the main concerns of support service providers in the disability field at national level and includes key recommendations...

This report contains a comprehensive collection of facts and figures on social infrastructure and social services and the related financing...