

In our next Policy Café for EASPD members only, we follow up on the Child Guarantee and inform members on how they can get involved.

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In this webinar, participants will learn how technology can empower persons with disabilities by facilitating leadership and self-advocacy.

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Join us to learn more about how the B-WISE project will respond to the skills challenges of the WISEs sector.

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On 12th October EASPD will host a Communications Network Workshop on Communicating effectively post COVID-19. The workshop will explore how...

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During this webinar, the Theotokos Foundation ECI team will present how their department functions. They will describe the services they...

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The Knowledge and Innovation Team invites you to learn more about the Personal Budget System in Flanders, Belgium.

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EASPD’s Member Fora on Person Centred Technology will host a webinar on helpful technology for people with deafblindness.

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The session will provide participants with insight into the elements of lobby and advocacy, so that they will be able to lobby and advocate...

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The final conference of the 'Planning inclusion in Greece' project will mark the official launch of the Greek Deinstitutionalisation...

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In this webinar, we will discuss various technologies used for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and how these technologies...

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