• Tuesday 21 June - 14:00 - 15:30
  • Events, Inclusive Living

UNIC: Personal Budget system for Long Term Care in Belgium

UNIC partner VAPH will discuss the piloting of a toolbox designed to support the implementation and monitoring of Personal Budget systems.

The UNIC project is designed to develop tools to help service users, service providers, and public authorities to implement a user-centred funding model in long-term care and support. More specifically, the partners are exploring how the Personal Budget system can help persons who receive long term care and support to actively participate in organising their own support.

In our workshop, we will explore the specific context of Flanders, in Belgium. The UNIC partner VAPH (Vlaams Agentschap Voor Personen Met Een Handicap, the Flemish Agency for Persons with Disabilities), have been piloting a toolbox designed to support the implementation and monitoring of Personal Budget systems. We will discuss the specificities of the local context, the challenges encountered, and the possibilities to transfer this system to other regions or sectors.

Join us online on June 21 at 14:00 to discuss how this innovative tool can improve the quality of life of persons receiving long-term care and support!




14:00 – 14:05

Welcome (Renaud Scheuer, EASPD)  

14:05 – 14:15

VAPH Video on the importance of Personal Budgets and early impressions in Flanders  

14:15 – 14:20

Presentation of UNIC Project: key goals and outcomes (Vojtěch Měřička, EAN)

14:20 – 14:30

Presentation of UNIC Toolbox to support public authorities and service users and providers (Dries Bleys, VAPH)  

14:30 – 14:35

Presentation of UNIC Transferability approach: how to adapt for other regions (Petra Rantamäki, KVPS)

14:35 – 14:50

Overview of situation in Flanders: challenges encountered and next steps (Sam Van Bastelaere, VAPH) 

14:50 – 15:25