• Wednesday 13 April - 14:00 - 15:30
  • Events, Inclusive Living

Transition to Life in the Community – from seeds to flower

Our Spring Knowledge Café will address the key dynamics and developments of independent living for persons with disabilities.

Spring Knowledge Café:
Transition to Life in the Community – from seeds to flower


Our Spring Knowledge Café will be focused on: Transition to Life in the Community –from seeds to flower. The event will address the key dynamics and developments of independent living for persons with disabilities. With this Knowledge Café, we wish to bring together service users, service providers, and other stakeholders to raise awareness about the importance of initiatives designed to support inclusive living, and to better understand how we can work together on such initiatives to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities.

The event will be held online and will encourage interactions with the audience.

Draft programme:
Moderator: Pep Solé (Support Girona)
Welcome: James Crowe (EASPD)
Speaker 1: László Bercse  (Self advocate)
Speaker 2: Natalia Cojocaru (Keystone Moldova).
Speaker 3: Cerasela Nicoleta Predescu (Pro Act Support)
Speaker 4: Milan Šveřepa (Inclusion Europe)


Guiding questions:
-Why is independent living important for persons with disabilities? What are the main dimensions which matter to users of independent living services?
-How can service providers better support users who wish independently?
-How can we keep innovating in the development of independent living initiatives? What has been the impact of the pandemic on this topic?
-How should we consider the fact that some countries are more or less advanced in the deinstitutionalisation process, and what should be the role of EASPD in supporting stakeholders in these various contexts?
-What are our next steps and priorities for inclusive community living?