• Wednesday 26 January 19:00 - 20:30
  • Events

Skills II project to host webinar on Individualised Funding self-directed support system in New Zealand

The event will explore the social impact of the programme and discuss the future of self-direction as a human right and normal model of support.

Self-directed support is an integral part of lives of persons with support needs. Having control over the kind of support they can get according to their best requirement, is an important aspect of their life that needs more attention. Self-directed support is a system that is set in place to ensure people with disabilities can direct their own support needs, a human right under the UNCRPD.

Naturally, a number of models of this system exist. The Skills II project is organising a webinar on the Individualised Funding (IF) support system that exists in New Zealand on 26th January 19:00-20:30 CET. The outcomes of this system are transformational to the quality of people's lives, particularly in relation to choice, control and flexibility.

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The webinar will explore the social impact the IF programme is having and discuss the future and evolution of self-direction as a human right and the normal model of support, as opposed to an alternative.

A recent report released by a policy think tank in New Zealand has described IF as transformational, with overwhelming evidence of its effectiveness and advocates use of the model widely to improve people's lives dramatically. It empowers people to live the life they want, to have the people around them they choose and to have freedom to design and deliver their own supports in a way that suits them as individuals and families.