• Friday 19 November - 10:00 - 12:00
  • Events, Employment

Securing professional transitions of persons with disabilities: Zoom on apprenticeships in Europe

On the occasion of the 25th European Disability Employment Week (#EDEW2021), LADAPT and EASPD are organising a webinar to discuss apprenticeships as a lever for inclusion for persons with disabilities.

On the occasion of the 25thEuropean Disability Employment Week (#EDEW2021), LADAPT and the EASPD are organising a webinar to discuss the apprenticeship issue as a lever for inclusion for persons with disabilities.

With the participation of an apprentice with a disability, support professionals, employers, a Member of the European Parliament, a representative of the European Commission and a High Official from the German Ministry of Finance.


Moderator: Franck Gallée, Regional Director, LADAPT


10:00 – 10:20


  • Éric Blanchet, President of LADAPT
  • James Crowe, President of EASPD


10:20 – 11:00  Round table 1

Apprenticeships & Disability : State of play in the EU

  • Veronique Grandemange, Head of the Supported Apprenticeship Unit, LADAPT (France) – Presentation of the supported apprenticeship scheme
  • Anthony Collet & Nadège Hemmerlin (France) –  Testimony of an apprentice with disability alongside his VIC[1]
  • Tanguy de Belair, Diversity and Inclusion Director, VINCI (France) – perspective as a private employer
  • Kaiti Katsouda, Chairperson Theotokos Foundation (Greece) – Zoom on apprenticeship in Greece, practices and challenges




11:00 – 11:45  Round table 2

Apprenticeships & Disability in the EU: what perspectives?  

Moderator: Thomas Bignal, Head of Policy, EASPD

  • Ana Carrero, Deputy Head of unit at the European Commission, B3 for Vocational Education and Training
  • Katrin Langensiepen, Member of European Parliament, Germany
  • Jon Harding, Vice President of Lifelong Learning Platform, Brussels
  • Alexandra Karwat, High official at the Ministry of Finance, Germany




11:45 – 11:55


  • Franck Gallée, Regional Director, LADAPT (France)


[1] Vocational integration counsellor