• Wednesday 27 April 14:00 - 15:30
  • Events

EASPD webinar on Hosting Ukrainians with Disabilities: How to organise it as service providers?

In order to better understand the problems being faced by people with disabilities that have relocated to other European countries from Ukraine, EASPD is hosting a webinar with our members that are actively working to provide housing and other facilities to people with disabilities from Ukraine.

The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation has left thousands of persons with disabilities with not much option than to relocate to other neighboring European countries.

In light of the current needs and requirements of people with disabilities that have relocated, EASPD is conducting a webinar, “Hosting Ukrainians with Disabilities: how to organize it as service providers?” on 27 April 14h00-15h30 CEST. This webinar will aim to share experiences and practices on how to support people with disabilities and their families from Ukraine relocate to other European countries. Our memebrs that are actively working in providing services to people with disabilties and their families from Ukraine will be sharing their experiences as service providers and the issues they are currently encountering. 

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NGOs and public authorities in and around Ukraine have been working hard to provide housing and other basic amenities to people with disabilities and their families. With this webinar we also hope to improve cooperation between NGOs and authorities along with looking into legal issues, better transportation and many more such problems that service providers are facing.