• Wednesday 09 November - 14:00 - 16:00
  • Events

EASPD Policy Café: The EU Disability Employment Package and the General Comment on Article 27

Discussing the importance of the Disability Employment Package and the General Comment on Article 27 of the UNCRPD with respect to the employment policy of people with disabilities, EASPD is hosting a webinar.

The EU Disability Employment Package was launched on 20th September 2022 by the European Commission aiming to improve the labour market for people with disabilities. It addresses policymakers and employment services through guidance and support in six key areas.

EASPD is hosting a Policy Café online, on 9 November 2022 , 14h-16h CET to discuss how can different stakeholders come together and  succesfully implement this package. Monika Chaba from DG EMPL of European Commission will present the package initiatives. Along with the Disability  Employment Package, there will also be a discussion around the General Comment on Article 27 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


These two initiatives are extremely important for the employment policy of people with disbailties within the EU and beyond. The Disbaility Package, in specific, will also support Member States to set-up national targets for increasing the employment rate of persons with disabilities and for reducing the respective employment gap. 




Introduction and presentation of the EU package of initiatives

Maya Doneva (EASPD Secretary General)


Presentation of the EU disability employment package and of its implications for the EU Member States and for service providers

Monika Chaba (European Commission DG EMPL)


Open floor for feedback

Moderator: Fabrizio De Angelis (EASPD). Discussion and exchange of views with the participants on the document.


Presentation of the General Comment on Article 27 of the UN CRPD

Secretariat of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. General presentation of the document and of the impact on the national policies

Open floor for feedback

Moderator: Fabrizio De Angelis (EASPD) debate on the implications of the document and exchange of views with the participants.

Concluding remarks

Maya Doneva (EASPD Secretary General)