• Tuesday 16 November - 10:00 - 12:00
  • Events, Employment

EASPD Policy Café on the UN Draft General Comment on Art. 27 of the UN CRPD

In our next Policy Café for EASPD members only, we take a look at the UN Draft General Comment on Art. 27 of the UNCRPD on work and employment and discuss EASPD's reaction to the call for feedback.

Please note that this meeting is for EASPD members only.

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The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities have recently issued their draft General Comment on Article 27 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) - on work and employment. 

Once finalised, this General Comment will shape national policies in the area of work and employment for persons with disabilitiesgiving precise indications and obligations on to national, regional, and local authorities on the implementation of the UN CRPD. It also addresses the role of different service providers active in the field of employment. In response to the first general discussion on Article 27 to the UNCRPD earlier this year, EASPD had drafted a position paper which can be found by clicking here.

The Draft General Comment is now open for feedback and consultation from interested stakeholders until the 6th December 2021 and EASPD will be responding to the call. To prepare EASPD's response, the EASPD secretariat is organising an urgent Policy Café on Tuesday the 16th November from 10:00 - 12:00 CET.

The Policy Café will be the opportunity to learn more about the draft general comment - and in particular the areas of significant concern to EASPD members - and to discuss EASPD's reaction to the draft.


10h00 – 10h05


Maya Doneva, Secretary General, EASPD

10h05 – 10h30

Presentation of the draft general comment

  • Fabrizio De Angelis, Policy Officer, EASPD

UN Draft General Comment on Article 27: state of play and points for advocacy for EASPD and members

10h30 – 11h55

Open floor for feedback

  • Thomas Bignal, Policy Manager, EASPD

Discussion and exchange of views with members on Draft General Comment on Art 27.

11h55 – 12h00

Concluding Remarks

Maya Doneva, Secretary General, EASPD

To read the agenda as a PDF, click here.


What is an EASPD Policy Café?

The Policy Café is EASPD’s way to update its members on current developments in specific EU policies and to collect their feedback. This feedback is used by the EASPD policy team when responding to EU initiatives on these policies.