• Monday 08 November - 14:00 - 15:30
  • Events, Early Childhood Intervention

EASPD Policy Café on the Child Guarantee Action Plans

In our next Policy Café for EASPD members only, we follow up on the Child Guarantee and inform members on how they can get involved.

Please note that this meeting is for EASPD members only.

Register here

The Policy Café is EASPD’s way to update its members on current developments in specific EU policies and to collect their feedback. This feedback is used by the EASPD policy team when responding to EU initiatives on these policies.


In our next Policy Café we will follow up on the Child Guarantee. After its launch in March and its adoption in June, it is now in the hands of Member States that are starting to work on their national action plans for reforms to be implemented by 2030.

This is thus a key moment for EASPD members to be involved in the process. To help in this, we have prepared an advocacy toolkit and organised a policy cafè to:

  • inform about the state of play at national and EU level
  • discuss advocacy actions members could undertake
  • explain EASPD's plans for 2022 and answer any questions on this.


14h00 – 14h05


Maya Doneva, Secretary General, EASPD

14h05 – 14h30

Presentation of the Child Guarantee

Child Guarantee State of Play and Points for Advocacy for EASPD and Members 

  • Irene Bertana, Senior Policy Officer, EASPD

The work and plans of the EU Alliance for Investing in Children on the Child Guarantee

  • Enrico Tormen, Alliance for Investing in Children, Coordinator
14h30 – 15h25

Open floor for feedback

15h25 – 15h30

Concluding Remarks

Maya Doneva, Secretary General, EASPD

To read the agenda as a PDF, click here.