• Wednesday 08 March - 14:00 - 15:00
  • Events

EASPD Spring Knowledge Café - Knowledge Hub: What's new?

EASPD is launching an updated and new version of the e-learning platform, Knowledge Hub, on 8th March!

This 2023 Spring Knowledge Café, EASPD is introducing an upgraded e-learning platform, Knowledge Hub, for professionals working in the social and disability sectors. Equipped with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), this platform is open to all upon free registration.

On 8th March 2023, 14h00-15h00 CET, during the Knowledge Café webinar we will present this updated e-learning platform. This online session will include perspectives of people who have already taken a training course via the Knowledge Hub, those who have contributed to the creation of a MOOC. Alongside, you will get to hear from trainers on how they managed to adapt their courses to an online setting.







  • Zoé Lardou, EASPD

14h00 - 14h15

Welcome and Introduction 

  • Sasha Leone, EASPD  


14h15 - 14h25

Participant’s perspective on their experience with a training course on the Knowledge Hub: How did I use it and what did I learn? 

  • Ondrej Botek, University of Trnava

Partner’s perspective on developing a MOOC from scratch with EASPD: How did we create it?

  • Katri Hänninen, KVPS


Trainer’s perspective on turning a classroom training into an online course: How did we adapt the course to an online format? 

  • James Churchill, Social Care Training
  • Shirley Potter, Social Care Training (TBC)


Q&A Session


Concluding remarks

  • Sasha Leone, EASPD