• Tuesday 08 June - 14:30 - 17:30
  • Events

Early Childhood Intervention - for a sustainable and inclusive future.

ECI Agora is hosting its final conference this year entitled Early Childhood Intervention - for a sustainable and inclusive future. By changing the beginning of the story, we change the whole story!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 - 14:30 to 17:30

ECI Agora is hosting its final conference this year entitled Early Childhood Intervention - for a sustainable and inclusive future.

By changing the beginning of the story, we change the whole story!

Register here

Where: Online
When: 8th June 2021, 14.30 – 17.30
Working language: English
Available translation (tbc): Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish, Slovakian

14.30 – 14.50

Welcoming remarks

  • Luk Zelderloo, EASPD Secretary General
  • MEP Lucia Ďuriš Nicholson, Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
  • Max Madsen, Velux Foundations

14.50 – 15.40

Family-centered ECI in practice: the reality of professionals
Moderator: Vladislav Matej

  • Monika Frikova, NASSP, Slovakia
  • Judit Schultheisz, Gezenguz Foundation, Hungary
  • Małgorzata Dońska-Olszko, EZRA, Poland
  • Andreia Moraru, Dizabnet, Romania
  • Nevena Dobreva, NASO, Bulgaria

15.40 – 16.20

Importance of early years – the Bent Twig effect
Moderator: Ana Serrano

  • Prof Michael Guralnick, Chair of the International Society on Early Intervention
  • Prof Bruce Perry, Principal of the Neurosequential Network
  • Dr. José Boavida, Developmental Pediatrician

16.20 – 17.10

Towards family-centred legal frameworks
Moderator: Tim Ghilain

  • Hungarian minister about his/her vision on ECI
  • Polish ministry of education on the education reforms
  • Bulgarian ministry
  • Géraldine Libreau, European Commission, on the ECEC Working Group outcomes

17.10 – 17.30
