Data-Driven Decision-Making in Social Services Dealing with the Employment of People with Disabilities Webinar

Are you engaged in providing vocational training for persons with disabilities and want to know how to measure the efficiency of the service, make data-driven decisions, or maintain improvements?
In this case, we invite you to join the ‘Data-Driven Decision-Making in Social Services Dealing with the Employment of People with Disabilities’ Webinar that takes place online on the 13th of July from 11:00 to 12:15 CEST.
During the conference, experts from the Shekulo Tov Group will explain how to use different measurement indexes during different phases of service delivery including:
1. Pre-service: To collect data on: “Why do service users approach us”? “What are their expectations?” “Is one type of training more interesting for them than the other? And why?”
2. During service delivery: The Meaningful Vocational Practice (MVP) Index is the measurement of the quality and relevancy of services to the labor market. Its results evaluate the vocational journey offered through the following criteria: Identity and Meaning, Variety, Continuity, and Relevancy.
3. Post-placement: The Meaningful Placement Measurement Index allows us to measure the quality of open labor market jobs in which our service users are placed – by salary, quality, and relevancy.
Apart from explaining the tools, their academic backgrounds, and the participation of the service users in their creation and collection – speakers will share how we use the results and the decisions we have made to design some services differently.
11:00 – 11:10 | Opening remarks Fabrizio Fea, Chair of the Member Forum on Employment |
11:10 – 11:50 | Presentation of the Data-driven decision-making Moderator: Ophir Peleg, Chief Global Officer, Shekulo Tov Group
11:50 – 12:10 | Q&A session |
12:10 – 12:15 | Closing remarks Hagar Aloush, Chief Rehabilitation Officer, Shekulov Tov Group |