• Tuesday 12 October - 13:00 - 15:30
  • Events

Communicating effectively post COVID-19

On 12th October EASPD will host a Communications Network Workshop on Communicating effectively post COVID-19. The workshop will explore how we can maximise the impact of their communication activities post pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed our societies and the way that we communicate with each other. As the measures implemented to limit the spread of COVID-19 are lifted, some of the new communication techniques and tools that were adopted in the pandemic will remain in use. The use of these new technologies, alongside the return to more traditional form of communication, has raised more questions as to how to communicate effectively post COVID-19.

In conjunction with EASPD’s 25th Conference ‘The future is now: Person Centred Technology to empower people and disability services,’ EASPD’s Communications Network will host an in-person workshop on communicating effectively post COVID-19. This workshop will bring together members of EASPD’s Communications Network, to explore how we can maximise the impact of their communication activities post COVID-19.

The workshop will be held on Tuesday 12th October: 13:00-15:30 CET in Brussels.

Possible workshop topics will include:

  • How to retain engagement online.
  • How to balance an increased online presence with staff capacity.
  • The possibility of profiting from online communication/events.
  • How to stand out online.
  • Fundraising online.

The workshop will include a keynote speech and participation of Christophe Ginisty, a public relations expert, digital strategist and social media expert. To read the full programme, click here.

To register for the event, click here.

To support member participation at this event EASPD is offering 10 grants of up to €300 to cover travel and subsistence cost. The grants will be based on the real costs that you incur during your trip. 

To be eligible for this grant you must

  • Promote registrations for the EASPD's 25th Anniversary conference in your networks.
  • Publish a news article on EASPD's 25th Anniversary conference on your organisation’s website/newsletter following the event.
  • Attend the #RightToConnectNow - Accessibility working session with ENTELIS+ team from 14h00-18h30 on 12th October.
  • Join or be a member of the Communications Network.

If you wish to apply for a grant, please register here by Friday 24th September. You will be sent a confirmation email by Wednesday 22nd September in order to inform you if you have been selected for this grant.

Please note that this event is for EASPD members only. For more information please contact Rachel Vaughan, Head of Operations.