• Thursday 25 November - 14:00 - 15:00
  • Events

Barriers and opportunities of technology adoption in support services for persons with disabilities

In the last webinar of this series, we will explore through co-creation the possibility to convert these barriers into opportunities.

The integration of technological innovations that could facilitate the daily life of people with disabilities is hindered by multiple barriers, mainly physical such as infrastructure, but also intangible such as cultural, ethical and psychological barriers. In this webinar, we will explore through co-creation the possibility to convert these barriers into opportunities.




Chairman: Steve Barnard

  • Introduction - Steve Barnard (EASPD)
  • Cultural and ethical barriers - Steve Barnard (EASPD)
  • Psychological barries –  Yousra Sandabad (Centre de la Gabrielle)
  • Organisational barries – Emmanuel Frahgniere (Fondation pour la recherche en faveur des personnes handicapées)
  • Barriers affecting PCT – Sharon Borg, Aġenzija Sapport
  • Discussion with all speakers and participants- Co-creative strategies to overcome the barriers and turn them into opportunities.