• Wednesday 16 June - 14:01 - 14:30
  • Events

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) supporting participation over the lifetime

In this webinar, we will discuss various technologies used for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and how these technologies can support users.

14:00 to 15:30


This webinar will discuss various technologies used for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and how these technologies can support users to participate in a variety of activities and also promote academic and social skills. Using case studies of AAC users of various ages, we will show how AAC can be implemented and adapted to meet the changing needs of AAC users across the lifespan.

This webinar is the third of 6 events dedicated to assistive technologies and hosted by EASPD's Person-Centred Technology Member Forum.




Welcome & Technicalities

Rachel Blum

Use of AAC in Early Childhood

Rachel Blum 

AAC usage in schools

Dana Cappel

Higher education (with social media)

May Agius and Sharon Borg


May Agius and Sharon Borg




More webinars in this series!

5. Helpful technology for people who are deaf or blind - 16.09.2021

In this webinar, we will guide you through a creative process, in which we will show you how technology can help to get from “problem” to “solution” for people with congenital deafblindness. It will be illustrated by many practical examples.

Register for this session

6. Technology to facilitate leadership and self-advocacy by persons with disabilities - 28.10.2021 at 14:00

In this webinar, participants will learn how technology can empower persons with disabilities by facilitating leadership and self-advocacy. Questions we look to answer include how to start self-advocacy at an early age, what is co-creation in cognitive accessibility, how the use of ACC can bring access to justice and how can persons with disabilities advocate for use of technology as one of the forms of modern activism. 

Register for this session

7. Barriers and opportunities of technology adoption in support services for persons with disabilities - 25.11.2021 at 14:00

The integration of technological innovations that could facilitate the daily life of people with disabilities is hindered by multiple barriers, mainly physical such as infrastructure, but also intangible such as cultural, ethical and psychological barriers. In this webinar, we will explore through co-creation the possibility to convert these barriers into opportunities.

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