Reports and studies

The Member Forum on Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) investigated the state of ECI in 5 Balkan countries: Albania, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro,...

This study describes recent trends in the labour market participation of people with disabilities, focusing specifically on inactive people and...

The report focuses on the outcomes of the EURECO Forum 2022 regarding recent developments linked to quality of services for persons with...

This study concisely analyses the challenges that social support services workforce faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This study monitors examples of trainings to service providers for persons with disabilities and encourages social service providers and EASPD...

The report focuses on the supported decision-making mechanisms in the EU Member States and beyond, aiming to provide the reader the sufficient...

The study aims to provide a framework to measure the quality of services for persons with disabilities that are outcomes focused, centred on the...

The Brussels conference in 2021 focused on technology and its various opportunities and challenges it poses in the lives of people with...