Children with disabilities in the Child Guarantee

National Action Plan and Biennial Report analysis
There are only five years remaining to break the cycle of poverty and social exclusion for at least 5 million children by 2030. What are EU Member States doing for children with disabilities?
The level of available information in the European Child Guarantee National Action Plans (NAPs) and Biennial Reports varies significantly across Member States. While they all include measures targeting children with disabilities, the emphasis placed on supporting them and the areas for action differ from country to country. This reflects the national context, the presence of other groups with significant needs, and the different levels of involvement in implementing the Child Guarantee.
The EASPD Secretariat is developing a series of factsheets compiling information from the NAPs implementing the Child Guarantee of all 27 EU Member States. The factsheets focus specifically on children with disabilities, children with mental health conditions, and those alternative care, especially institutional settings.
Each factsheet provides the following information:
Key data and figures on these children;
An overview of the main challenges they face;
A summary of the objectives and key targets set up;
The list of measures and specific actions ongoing, planned, or adopted to improve the situation of these children.
When available, the factsheets include information from Biennial Reports, which assess progress achieved in the two years following the publication of the NAPs. Where relevant, the factsheets also incorporate updates on legislative reforms and other recent developments – that have been adopted after the publication of the NAP or the Biennial report – to ensure accuracy and relevance.
The factsheets are available for download below, starting with Eastern-Central European countries. In the coming months, Northern, Southern, and Western countries will follow.
Eastern-Central Europe
EASPD (2024). Child Guarantee analysis. Support to children with disabilities within the National Action Plan for the implementation of the EU Child Guarantee. Country Factsheets.
Clara Massé, Junior Policy Officer
With the support of Irene Bertana, Senior Policy Officer
Date: Brussels, December 2024.
For further information please contact Clara Massé,