UNAPEI relaunches the "J'ai Pas Ecole" campaign

“83% of French people are aware of the inadequate or non-existent schooling conditions for children with intellectual disabilities”.
“89% deplore the significant lack of trained professionals to welcome all children with disabilities at school”.
(OpinionWay survey, August 2024)
For the 6th consecutive year, Unapei and its partners are launching the #JAIPASECOLE campaign – “I Don’t Have a School” – to highlight and denounce the violation of the right to education for children with disabilities in France. Initially launched in 2019, this initiative sheds light on the challenges faced by these children, such as the lack of places in mainstream or specialised schools, partial or inadequate schooling, and the shortage of trained professionals. Parents, professionals, and students can share their experiences on marentree.org. By sharing these testimonies, Unapei hopes to raise awareness among the public and policymakers about the need to ensure inclusive education for all.
Founded in 1960 and a member of EASPD, Unapei is a French network of 330 associations supporting around 200,000 people with neurodevelopmental disorders and their families across France and its overseas territories. It promotes an inclusive society where everyone can live fulfilling lives regardless of abilities by supporting education, employment, healthcare, and social integration for people with disabilities.
Real-Life Stories
The website features numerous testimonies from parents and children who have faced significant barriers to education. These stories range from a complete lack of school placement to inappropriate educational settings that fail to meet the specific needs of the children. For instance, some children are placed in schools that are not equipped to handle their disabilities, leading to further exclusion and frustration.
Key objectives
1. Raise Awareness: By collecting and sharing testimonies from affected families, the campaign aims to shed light on the real-life impact of inadequate educational provisions for children with disabilities.
2. Support Families: Providing a platform for families to voice their struggles helps build a community of support and solidarity.
3. Advocate for Change: “J’ai Pas École” is not just a campaign but a call to action for society to recognise and address the educational inequalities faced by children with disabilities. The campaign seeks to influence policymakers and the public to take concrete steps towards creating a more inclusive educational system to ensure that every child, regardless of their abilities, has access to the education they deserve.
For more information and to read the testimonies, you can visit the campaign’s website at marentree.org.