Register for an EASPD Member Forum now!
Following the EASPD governance elections and new Board mandate, we have reopened the subscription process for EASPD's Member Fora.
All EASPD members who wish to participate in a member forum must register. This includes those that are already subscribed to a group, as they also must reconfirm their commitment by registering. The current member fora lists will no longer be operational after 24 November. Do not hesitate to contact your EASPD coordinator to ask for more information on how to sign up. Find out more about our different member fora.
If you are not part of a member forum and wish to join, please contact the Membership Officer Ángela Corbí at for more information.
Would you like to become a member forum Co-Chair !
EASPD members interested in standing as co-chair for a member forum must submit their CV and a brief letter of motivation (maximum 300 words) by 24 November to Ángela Corbi at and the respective MF facilitator:
- Arts and culture: Sydney Von Ihering -
- Early intervention: Irene Bertana -
- Education: Rachel Vaughan -
- Employment: Carmen Hilario -
- Inclusive living: Lilith Alink-
- Person-centred technology: Omor Ahmed -
- Policy impact: Konstantina Leventi -
- Workforce development and human resources: Kalianne Farren -