The EU commits to tackling housing

The European Commission and Parliament are taking unprecedented steps to address the pressing housing crisis in their new mandate. For people with disabilities, the lack of accessible social housing is seen as one of the root causes of institutionalisation. The housing crisis in the EU has reached critical levels, with rising costs, a shortage of homes, and poor energy efficiency. Cities are especially affected, with homelessness continuing to grow.
Recent developments show the EU is serious about tackling structural challenges and promoting investment in affordable, sustainable housing. These developments also present a critical opportunity to enhance the accessibility and affordability of housing for persons with disabilities as a key component of the deinstitutionalisation process.
The term affordable housing refers to a range of housing provision types broader than 'social housing', including social housing, other low-cost rental housing, and access to homeownership at reduced prices. Planned Commission initiatives include a European Affordable Housing Plan, featuring a Strategy for Housing Construction to boost supply, a pan-European investment platform for affordable housing, and increased cohesion policy funding for housing under the upcoming EU budget. The beginning of 2025 has already seen the creation of the Commissioners’ Project Group on Affordable Housing to deliver a coordinated approach to the plan and its related initiatives. Chaired by Dan Jørgensen, Commissioner for Energy and Housing, the group includes Commissioners with energy, economy, finance, reforms, and social rights portfolios.
In parallel, the European Parliament has created a special committee on the housing crisis, highlighting housing as a top priority. Together, these efforts are building momentum for the 2025 Commission Work Programme, which is expected to feature significant housing-related initiatives.
EASPD is committed to working with its partners to ensure these objectives are achieved. To learn more about EU housing policies you can check the EU Parliament briefing “A coordinated EU approach to housing”.