

Migration is a worldwide phenomenon with millions arriving and departing Europe each year. Many of them are persons with disabilities, yet there is little to no research or data around migrants with disabilities and the challenges that affect them. The principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) apply to all persons with disabilities, irrespective of where they come from or their legal status.

EASPD members have recognised that more needs to be done to ensure that migrants with disabilities reach their support services. On top of the lack of data, barriers include a lack of training of people working with migrants, difficulties in identifying support needs, funding barriers and a lack of culturally sensitive support.


What is EASPD doing:

EASPD is committed to:

  • Contribute to the policy debate at EU level on migration, asylum-seeking and integration policies
  • Provide information, models of good practices, implement projects and support to member organisations


PICUM is researching the experiences of undocumented people with disabilities in Europe. Answer their survey by 31 July 2024.

On the 6th April, EASPD, EDF and Inclusion Europe were invited to join Commissioner Dalli's meeting with civil society on support to Ukrainians....


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