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Understanding learning diversity in a classroom

This webinar will encourage participants to understand learning diversity to make their classrooms inclusive.

Each learner in a classroom learns differently. Inclusive education explores this concept extensively. With schools and education centres increasingly using digital tools, its important to make sure classrooms are inclusive.

The ADEDU project is launching a first webinar of a series of webinars that will focus on supporting adult educators of people affected by learning disabilities. This introductory webinar will take place online on Wednesday, 26 February from 11:00-12:00 CET. It will dive into some key concepts and language used to understand learning disabilities in a classroom.

Register to the webinar

To begin with, we will discuss learning diversity and Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, focusing on how individuals learn in unique ways. The webinar also aims at clarifying key terms connected to learning disabilities differentiating their implications in educational contexts.

The ADEDU - Accessible Digital EDUcation project aims at supporting adult educators, trainers and learning centres in upskilling. Through a training course, the project will provide digital tools and a general understanding of learning disabilities.