Quality Social Investment: What Next?
This event will be held in a hybrid format (face-to-face & online).
Across Europe, demand for social care and support is growing rapidly; be it long-term care or more emergency forms of support. This is a response to changing demographics, evolving family patterns, an attempt to further close the welfare gaps and recognition of the crucial role social services play in ensuring people have access to their human and social rights. The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic will also lead to an increase in need for professional support and adaptations to how such support is provided.
This naturally comes with an increase in investment demand as more and more social care and support providers look to private investors to fulfil their investment needs. Yet, these stakeholders often come with varying needs and expectations. Private investors need to ensure they make a profit on their investment, social care providers need to ensure their investment improves the amount and/or quality of the services they provide and public authorities have the responsibility to ensure people have access to the social care and support they need, in line with their human rights obligations, yet within their financial restrictions.
The Alliance for Inclusive Investment in Social Care and Support (a4i) project, funded by Erasmus+, has brought together social care providers, private investors and universities in order to:
- identify the current social investment needs in Europe,
- develop training material for learners on accessing social investment in Belgium, Czechia and Spain and
- bring together a common European Agenda for what constitutes Quality Social Investment.
This event is the a4i project’s final conference and will be the opportunity to present outputs in these three fields to stakeholders from across Europe.
The timing of the conference is particularly timely given the launch of InvestEU, as well as EU policies such as the upcoming EU Care Strategy or the EU Social Economy Action Plan.
14h Welcoming remarks |
14h15 Panel Discussion on the State of the Art of Social Investment in Social Care, moderated by Daniel Sorrosal, FEBEA | Presentation of a4i State of the Art Report by Ms Joanna Lane, HealthClusterNet Feedback by:
15h15 Panel Discussion on Alliance for Inclusive Investment in Europe – compare and contrast, moderated by Thomas Bignal, Head of Policy, EASPD. | Speakers:
16h30 Coffee Break |
16h45 Panel Discussion on “Quality Social Investment: what does it mean in practice?” Moderation by Steve Wright, Healthclusternet
| “What is Quality Social Investment, in practice” by Dr. Alberto Iglesias, University Carlos III, Madrid Feedback by
Concluding Remarks | Thomas Bignal, EASPD |