Embrace partners meet in Athens
The Embrace project partners gathered in Athens on 21 and 22 July.
The project is about providing tools to staff of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) to better accommodate the needs of children with intellectual disabilities. EMBRACE will provide capacity building opportunities and educational resources for core staff, ECEC assistants and leaders.
During the meeting partners discussed the outcomes of the mapping exercise that took place in Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, North Macedonia and Poland. The exercise describes the state of play of opportunities for initial and continued education of ECEC staff on topics concerning inclusive ECEC of children with intellectual disabilities. The results will be available in a transnational report, which will be ready in the following months.
They also reflected together on how to develop the future project outcomes:
- the E-learning course for ECEC staff, to strengthen their attitudes, knowledge, values, and skills needed for ECEC settings to be welcoming and inclusive of children with intellectual disabilities;
- the handbook on Fostering a Culture of Inclusion;
- the awareness-raising Toolkit, that will have useful and effective resources for raising awareness of the importance of inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities in early childhood education and care.