The reality for support services in Ukraine
As representatives of service providers in Europe, EASPD wishes to bring light to the current situation of service providers for people with disabilities in Ukraine amidst the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
It is important to highlight the impact this conflict will have for persons with disabilities and their families in Ukraine. Naturally, support services are under pressure, and it is necessary to understand how they can run their services best in such a situation. Hearing out the struggles they face and how they are coping with the changing scenario is yet another aspect that is important to look at.
The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities is hosting a webinar on 28th February 2022 at 9h30-11h00 to understand and address some of these concerns.
The panel speakers will bring in their perspective on the ongoing situation with respect to service provision for persons with disabilities. Ms Anna Kukuruza, President of Charitable Foundation Early Childhood Intervention, Ms Nataliya Kabatsiy, Director, NGO Medical Aid Committee in Transcarpathia (CAMZ) and Mr Eric Bloemkolk, Director, SOFT tulip are on the panel.
Additionally, the webinar will explore what Europe’s service providers can do to ensure solidarity with Ukrainian service providers and how can the EU help the continuous provision of support in the months to come.