Boosting employment of workers with support needs and boosting skills for work integration

B-WISE aims to bridge the digital skills gap in the Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) sector, which provides employment opportunities to millions of people struggling to find jobs.
In particular, the project targets the skill needs of disadvantaged workers, their support staff (e.g. job coaches), and managers, helping to increase awareness of digital technologies as well as the WISE sector’s attractiveness as a career path.
The upcoming conference “Boosting employment of workers with support needs and boosting skills for work integration” will dive into how B-WISE has addressed these diverse needs to provide cross-European yet localised approaches to skill development, both in terms of soft and digital skills.
The event will serve as a platform to bring together key stakeholders to share insights, discuss the implementation of the European WISE Skills Strategy, and offer policy recommendations. Moreover, participants will discover the tailored training materials developed by the project to enhance the integration of workers with support needs.
The conference will take place on 13 November, from 9:30 to 18:00, at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels.
9:30 | Welcome – Introductory Remarks Moderator: Thomas Bignal - Secretary General, EASPD
10:00 | How the B-WISE project can help to boost work integration? Moderator: Ivana Davidovska - Head of Projects, EASPD
10:30 | Presentation of the B-WISE project
10:45 | Key findings of B-WISE research. Future of the WISE sector Interactive discussion on how the consortium progressed from identifying skills needs and gaps of the workers in the sector to developing “scenarios”, “personas” and future occupational profiles. Moderator: Martina Paterniti - Project Coordinator, ENSIE
11:30 | Coffee break |
12:30 | Universal Training Curricula for workers in WISEs – Workers’ experiences with the B-WISE piloting Moderator: Corine van de Burgt - Director, De Omslag
13:30 | Networking lunch |
14:30 | Workshops WS1: How to boost digitalisation in Work Integration Social Entreprises?
Co-moderators: Lieven Bossuyt - Head, Lichtwerk, Martina Parterniti - Project Coordinator, ENSIE
Moderator: Baptiste Vasseur - Policy Officer, ENSIE
Moderator: Ivana Davidovska - Head of Projects, EASPD
15:30 | Coffee break |
16:00 | Next steps – How can we make the most of the B-WISE project? Moderator: Thomas Bignal - Secretary General, EASPD
17:00 | Concluding remarks
17:30 | Networking cocktails |