all across Europe

European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities


EASPD is the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities and represents over 20,000 support services for persons with disabilities across Europe.


We promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high-quality service systems.

Key areas of work

areas of work


areas of work


areas of work

Inclusive Living

areas of work


areas of work

Arts and Culture

We must take concrete steps to transform services into person-centered models that empower individuals, while positioning service providers as key drivers of this shift toward a human rights-based approach.


Kirsi Konola, EASPD President

  • Events

AccessibleEU European Event: Accessibility and Higher Education

Join AccessibleEU and the University of Porto to help shape a European roadmap for the future of accessibility in higher education.

Register here

The "Accessibility and Higher Education" awareness-raising event aims to be a melting pot of ideas and innovation, bringing together a vibrant mix of university professors, students, administrative and service staff, researchers, and managers from inclusion service offices. Together, they will delve into discussions about best practices, confront challenges, and explore new frontiers in making European universities more accessible. 

Furthermore, this event aspires to sketch out a European roadmap for the future, advocating for a holistic approach to ensure that accessibility in higher education not only meets current standards but also anticipates the needs and aspirations of the future. This balanced perspective aims to merge practical, on-the-ground experiences with strategic, visionary thinking to create a more inclusive and accessible educational landscape across Europe.

This event will take place on 30 October 2024, from 9:00 to 17:30 (WET). Participants will be able to attend both online and in person.

In-person location: Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação de Universidade do Porto, R. Alfredo Allen, 4200-135 Porto, Portugal



Opening Session: The European Commitment to Accessibility: Following Steps and Challenges

  • Jesús Hernández Galán, Director of AccessibleEU
  • Inmaculada Placencia, European Commission - Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • Ana Camanho, Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation and Information Management - University of Porto
  • Pedro Nobre, Director of the Faculty of Psychology - University of Porto

Panel 1: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusion: Working on Policies, Practices and Culture at the University

Moderator: Silvia Duarte, Fundación ONCE – EUni4ALL

  • Alice Ribeiro, University of Porto
  • Anne O'Connor, Dublin City University
  • Gerald Craddock, Centre for Excellence in Universal Design

Coffee Break


Panel 2: Accessibility and Design for All: Revision and Adaptation of Curricula

Moderator: Klaus Miesenberger, Johannes Kepler University Linz

  • Roberta Lulli, ATHENA Project
  • Frederic Fovet, Thompson Rivers University
  • Matteo Zallio, University of Cambridge (TBC)

Panel 3: Enhancing Accessibility for Students with Disabilities in the European Higher Education

Moderator: Boris Janča, Masaryk University

  • Goran Dakovic, European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)
  • Helene Peterbauer, European University Association (EUA)
  • Pedro Encarnação, AAATE

Closing remarks and presentation of upcoming session

  • Vítor Carvalho, University of Porto



Panel 4 (onsite only): Inspirational and Practical Session Sharing Initiatives of Accessibility and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities at the University

Moderator: Alice Ribeiro; University of Porto

  • Bruno Giesteira, University of Porto
  • Klaus Miesenberger, Johannes Kepler University Linz
  • Boris Janča, Masaryk University
  • Pedro Encarnação, AAATE



  • Events

AccessibleEU European Event: Accessibility and Higher Education

Join AccessibleEU and the University of Porto to help shape a European roadmap for the future of accessibility in higher education.

Register here

The "Accessibility and Higher Education" awareness-raising event aims to be a melting pot of ideas and innovation, bringing together a vibrant mix of university professors, students, administrative and service staff, researchers, and managers from inclusion service offices. Together, they will delve into discussions about best practices, confront challenges, and explore new frontiers in making European universities more accessible. 

Furthermore, this event aspires to sketch out a European roadmap for the future, advocating for a holistic approach to ensure that accessibility in higher education not only meets current standards but also anticipates the needs and aspirations of the future. This balanced perspective aims to merge practical, on-the-ground experiences with strategic, visionary thinking to create a more inclusive and accessible educational landscape across Europe.

This event will take place on 30 October 2024, from 9:00 to 17:30 (WET). Participants will be able to attend both online and in person.

In-person location: Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação de Universidade do Porto, R. Alfredo Allen, 4200-135 Porto, Portugal



Opening Session: The European Commitment to Accessibility: Following Steps and Challenges

  • Jesús Hernández Galán, Director of AccessibleEU
  • Inmaculada Placencia, European Commission - Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • Ana Camanho, Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation and Information Management - University of Porto
  • Pedro Nobre, Director of the Faculty of Psychology - University of Porto

Panel 1: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusion: Working on Policies, Practices and Culture at the University

Moderator: Silvia Duarte, Fundación ONCE – EUni4ALL

  • Alice Ribeiro, University of Porto
  • Anne O'Connor, Dublin City University
  • Gerald Craddock, Centre for Excellence in Universal Design

Coffee Break


Panel 2: Accessibility and Design for All: Revision and Adaptation of Curricula

Moderator: Klaus Miesenberger, Johannes Kepler University Linz

  • Roberta Lulli, ATHENA Project
  • Frederic Fovet, Thompson Rivers University
  • Matteo Zallio, University of Cambridge (TBC)

Panel 3: Enhancing Accessibility for Students with Disabilities in the European Higher Education

Moderator: Boris Janča, Masaryk University

  • Goran Dakovic, European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)
  • Helene Peterbauer, European University Association (EUA)
  • Pedro Encarnação, AAATE

Closing remarks and presentation of upcoming session

  • Vítor Carvalho, University of Porto



Panel 4 (onsite only): Inspirational and Practical Session Sharing Initiatives of Accessibility and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities at the University

Moderator: Alice Ribeiro; University of Porto

  • Bruno Giesteira, University of Porto
  • Klaus Miesenberger, Johannes Kepler University Linz
  • Boris Janča, Masaryk University
  • Pedro Encarnação, AAATE


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