all across Europe

European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities


EASPD is the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities and represents over 20,000 support services for persons with disabilities across Europe.


We promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high-quality service systems.

Key areas of work

areas of work


areas of work


areas of work

Inclusive Living

areas of work


areas of work

Arts and Culture

We must take concrete steps to transform services into person-centered models that empower individuals, while positioning service providers as key drivers of this shift toward a human rights-based approach.


Kirsi Konola, EASPD President

  • Events

EASPD will host the EMBRACE project’s final conference in Brussels!

Picuture of a young girl with a disability in school, learning. She is playing with coloured cubes, and smiling.

The hybrid event, taking place on 1 December, is a unique opportunity to gain insights into the impact of inclusive ECEC for children.

On 1 December, the Erasmus+ project EMBRACE – which aims to foster the inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities in Early Childhood Education and Care settings – will host its final conference, which will take place in a hybrid format.

About the project

The EMBRACE project’s objective is to raise awareness around these issues, to equip ECEC staff and leaders with the needed tools and knowledge to foster a culture of inclusion, and to develop inclusive values and attitudes among ECEC educators. Its main activities include:  

  • A transnational report that offers in-depth insights on the state of play in each of the participating countries regarding the opportunities for initial and continued education of ECEC staff on topics concerning inclusive ECEC of children with intellectual disabilities. 

  • An e-learning course that encompasses the design, development and piloting of an eLearning course for ECEC staff.  

  • A handbook on Fostering a Culture of Inclusion.  

  • An awareness raising toolkit.  

What to expect at the conference

During the conference, our project partners will present the four project results aimed at enhancing the quality of Early Childhood Education and Care, which include tools designed to promote the inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities. Furthermore, the conference will feature a discussion on EU policies and the challenges associated with achieving inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), led by Géraldine Libreau, the leader of the Thematic Working Group on Early Childhood Education and Care within the EU Commission's DG EAC. 

The event, which will be hybrid, is a unique opportunity to gain insights into the life changing impact of inclusive ECEC for children, explore practical tools for its implementation, and engage in thoughtful discussions on overcoming the current challenges to deliver high-quality, inclusive ECEC.  

In-person attendance 

For those who wish to attend the conference in person, you can register via this link.

Registrations will close on 17th November at 23:59 CEST.  

Online attendance 

If attending in person isn't feasible for you or if you prefer remote participation, we have you covered! You can register here for online access. After successful registration, a confirmation email will be sent to you, containing all the information you need to join the webinar.


13:30 – 14:00


14:00 – 14:15


  • Mr Lefevre, President of the PG DIS
  • Thomas Bignal, EASPD Secretary General



Embrace project Key objectives and actions

  • Positive approach to inclusive education on the basis of pilots, Jolanta Kajmowicz-Sopicka, Teatr Grodzki


14:30 – 15:20

EU State of play and challenges for the inclusion of children with disability in ECEC

Chair: Irene Bertana, Senior Policy Officer, EASPD

  • Framework for ECEC in the EU, Géraldine Libreau, Policy Officer, Schools and multilingualism, DG EAC, European Commission. Inclusive practices for working with families.
  • What challenges for inclusive ECEC? Key results from the Embrace transnational report, Aleksandra Petkova, KMOP
  • The Belgian ECEC system and the model of inclusion coaches, Hilde Schockaert, Ghent City Department of Education, Education and Youth

Q & A

15:20 – 15:35

Coffee break

15:35 – 16:30

Tools for inclusion: project results and their methodology

Chair: Ángela Corbi, Membership Officer, EASPD

  • Positive approach to inclusive education on the basis of pilots, Jolanta Kajmowicz-Sopicka, Teatr Grodzki
  • E-learning course, contents and piloting experience in Greece, Epameinondas Koutavelis, KMOP
  • Awareness-raising toolkit, contents and testing, ChrystallaThrasyvoulou, Emphasys

Q & A

16:30 – 17:00

The project: lessons learned and next steps

  • Irene Bertana, EASPD





  • Events

EASPD will host the EMBRACE project’s final conference in Brussels!

Picuture of a young girl with a disability in school, learning. She is playing with coloured cubes, and smiling.

The hybrid event, taking place on 1 December, is a unique opportunity to gain insights into the impact of inclusive ECEC for children.

On 1 December, the Erasmus+ project EMBRACE – which aims to foster the inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities in Early Childhood Education and Care settings – will host its final conference, which will take place in a hybrid format.

About the project

The EMBRACE project’s objective is to raise awareness around these issues, to equip ECEC staff and leaders with the needed tools and knowledge to foster a culture of inclusion, and to develop inclusive values and attitudes among ECEC educators. Its main activities include:  

  • A transnational report that offers in-depth insights on the state of play in each of the participating countries regarding the opportunities for initial and continued education of ECEC staff on topics concerning inclusive ECEC of children with intellectual disabilities. 

  • An e-learning course that encompasses the design, development and piloting of an eLearning course for ECEC staff.  

  • A handbook on Fostering a Culture of Inclusion.  

  • An awareness raising toolkit.  

What to expect at the conference

During the conference, our project partners will present the four project results aimed at enhancing the quality of Early Childhood Education and Care, which include tools designed to promote the inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities. Furthermore, the conference will feature a discussion on EU policies and the challenges associated with achieving inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), led by Géraldine Libreau, the leader of the Thematic Working Group on Early Childhood Education and Care within the EU Commission's DG EAC. 

The event, which will be hybrid, is a unique opportunity to gain insights into the life changing impact of inclusive ECEC for children, explore practical tools for its implementation, and engage in thoughtful discussions on overcoming the current challenges to deliver high-quality, inclusive ECEC.  

In-person attendance 

For those who wish to attend the conference in person, you can register via this link.

Registrations will close on 17th November at 23:59 CEST.  

Online attendance 

If attending in person isn't feasible for you or if you prefer remote participation, we have you covered! You can register here for online access. After successful registration, a confirmation email will be sent to you, containing all the information you need to join the webinar.


13:30 – 14:00


14:00 – 14:15


  • Mr Lefevre, President of the PG DIS
  • Thomas Bignal, EASPD Secretary General



Embrace project Key objectives and actions

  • Positive approach to inclusive education on the basis of pilots, Jolanta Kajmowicz-Sopicka, Teatr Grodzki


14:30 – 15:20

EU State of play and challenges for the inclusion of children with disability in ECEC

Chair: Irene Bertana, Senior Policy Officer, EASPD

  • Framework for ECEC in the EU, Géraldine Libreau, Policy Officer, Schools and multilingualism, DG EAC, European Commission. Inclusive practices for working with families.
  • What challenges for inclusive ECEC? Key results from the Embrace transnational report, Aleksandra Petkova, KMOP
  • The Belgian ECEC system and the model of inclusion coaches, Hilde Schockaert, Ghent City Department of Education, Education and Youth

Q & A

15:20 – 15:35

Coffee break

15:35 – 16:30

Tools for inclusion: project results and their methodology

Chair: Ángela Corbi, Membership Officer, EASPD

  • Positive approach to inclusive education on the basis of pilots, Jolanta Kajmowicz-Sopicka, Teatr Grodzki
  • E-learning course, contents and piloting experience in Greece, Epameinondas Koutavelis, KMOP
  • Awareness-raising toolkit, contents and testing, ChrystallaThrasyvoulou, Emphasys

Q & A

16:30 – 17:00

The project: lessons learned and next steps

  • Irene Bertana, EASPD




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